In February 2024, the International Women’s Media Foundation launched the Newsroom Safety Across America Initiative to provide safety training to journalists ahead of the 2024 U.S. presidential elections. The IWMF trained more than 600 journalists representing 200 local and regional news outlets in battleground states and rural areas as newsrooms grappled with ongoing safety challenges. As part of this effort, IWMF collected in-depth survey data and interviews from training participants and launched the report, “Journalists Under Fire: US Media Report Daily Threats, Harassment and Attacks at Home”. The data revealed a shocking number of threats to American journalists’ safety and well-being. Journalists reported incidents ranging from physical violence and harassment to threats of gun violence, verbal attacks and sexual harassment while on assignment and in the workplace. 

The IWMF is committed to improving the safety of journalists in the United States and will continue to provide wraparound care for small newsrooms and journalists looking for resources and knowledge to implement best practices and safety policies. This can include virtual safety trainings, safety consultations, assistance developing and implementing safety policies, and emergency assistance grants when needed.

If you are a newsroom or freelance journalist interested in training or policies covering safety, please fill out this intake form. 

Additional resources:

Please reach out to if you have any questions or accessibility needs. For legal support please contact the Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press at their free legal hotline (1-800-336-4243). The hotline is available 24/7. 

About the IWMF's Safety Work

As the leading provider of identity-informed, holistic safety training and resources for journalists and newsrooms – with a focus on women and nonbinary reporters – in the U.S. and globally, the IWMF has trained thousands of journalists to enhance their safety online and offline.

The Safeguarding Women’s Voices: Enhancing Gender-Responsive Safety Strategies program, led by the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) and UNESCO, aims to improve the mental resilience of journalists, particularly women journalists, by enhancing their access to psychological support and resources to help mitigate the effects of violence. In 2025, the IWMF is partnering with Vinland Solutions to lead a six-month virtual training program for 20 clinical psychologists and/or psychiatrists from the different regions to identify and tackle the adverse effects of physical and online violence against journalists, particularly women journalists.

The program seeks to ensure that  journalists can continue to perform their vital role in democratic societies, free from violence and intimidation, by fostering gender-responsive policies, providing customized safety training, and facilitating access to mental health services.

The clinical psychologists and/or psychiatrists selected for this program commit to dedicating 8 online hours per week for 6 months. At the end of the program the participating clinicians will lead workshops with journalists in their regions.

The modules covered during this program include: 


The program will include presentation, open group discussions, and interactive exercises that allow the participants to incorporate their knowledge from previous clinical experience. The program will also cover topics described in the Guide for psychologists in the emergency care of journalists and Emergency psychotherapeutic intervention protocol for journalists: single session.

Applications will be selected based on the following skills and competencies:

  • Advanced Knowledge in Clinical Psychology: Extensive knowledge in the evaluation and treatment of psychological disorders. 
  • Proficiency in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Techniques: Experience in applying CBT for PTSD treatment. 
  • Communication Skills: Ability to communicate effectively with patients and colleagues. 
  • Empathy and Sensitivity: Ability to handle emotional situations and provide psychological support.  

Only clinical psychologists and/or psychiatrists from the following countries can apply for this opportunity:

  • Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Honduras, Mexico, Haiti, El Salvador, Ecuador, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Guyana
  • Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia
  • Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Maldives, Timor-Leste
  • Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, Mali, Somalia, Namibia
  • Iraq, Lebanon

Deadline: February 24, 2025

A total of 20 clinical psychologists and/or psychiatrists will be selected by March 24, 2025. 

The IWMF is accepting applications in English and Spanish.

Based on the clinical psychologists and/or psychiatrists selected, the IWMF will ensure that the training is accessible to the language abilities of the participants. 

Please reach out to if you have any questions or accessibility needs.



El programa Salvaguardando las Voces de las Mujeres: Fortaleciendo Estrategias de Seguridad con Perspectiva de Género, dirigido por International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) y la UNESCO, tiene como objetivo mejorar la resiliencia mental de los periodistas, especialmente de las mujeres periodistas, mediante el fortalecimiento de su acceso a apoyo psicológico y recursos para mitigar los efectos de la violencia. En 2025, la IWMF, en colaboración con Vinland Solutions, llevará a cabo un programa de capacitación virtual de seis meses dirigido a 20 psicólogos clínicos y psiquiatras provenientes de diferentes regiones, enfocado en identificar y abordar los efectos adversos de la violencia física y en línea contra periodistas, con énfasis en mujeres periodistas.

El programa busca garantizar que los periodistas puedan continuar desempeñando su papel fundamental en las sociedades democráticas, libres de violencia e intimidación, mediante el fomento de políticas responsivas de género, dando capacitación personalizada en entrenamiento de seguridad y facilitando el acceso a servicios de salud mental.

Los psicólogos clínicos y psiquiatras seleccionados para este programa se deben comprometer a dedicar 8 horas semanales en línea durante 6 meses. Al finalizar el programa, los participantes liderarán talleres dirigidos a periodistas en sus respectivas regiones.

Los módulos cubiertos  durante este programa incluyen:


El programa incluirá presentaciones, discusiones grupales abiertas y ejercicios interactivos que permitan a los participantes integrar su conocimiento a partir de experiencias clínicas previas. Además, el programa cubrirá temas descritos en la Guía para psicólogos en la atención de emergencia a periodistas y el Protocolo de intervención psicoterapéutica de emergencia para periodistas: sesión única. (Emergency psychotherapeutic intervention protocol for journalists: single session.)

Las solicitudes serán seleccionadas con base en las siguientes habilidades y competencias:

  • Conocimientos avanzados en Psicología Clínica: Conocimientos amplios en la evaluación y el tratamiento de trastornos psicológicos.
  • Dominio de técnicas de Terapia Cognitiva-Conductual (TCC): Experiencia en la aplicación de TCC para el tratamiento del Trastorno Post Estrés Traumáticio (TEPT).
  • Habilidades de comunicación: Facilidad de comunicación efectiva  con pacientes y colegas.
  • Empatía y sensibilidad: Habilidad para manejar situaciones emocionales y brindar apoyo psicológico.

Sólo psicólogos clínicos y psiquiatras de los siguientes países pueden aplicar: 

  • América Latina y el Caribe: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Honduras, México, Haití, El Salvador, Ecuador, Jamaica, Trinidad y Tobago, Brasil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Guyana.
  • Europa del Este: Moldavia, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Macedonia del Norte.
  • Asia: Filipinas, Indonesia, Bangladés, Pakistán, Maldivas, Timor-Oriental.
  • África: Costa de Marfil, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Sudán del Sur, República Centroafricana, República Democrática del Congo, Kenia, Nigeria, Malí, Somalia, Namibia.
  • Medio Oriente y el Magreb: Irak, Líbano.

Fecha límite: 24 de febrero del 2025

Se seleccionará un total de 20 psicólogos clínicos y psiquiatras y los resultados serán anunciados el 24 de marzo de 2025.

La IWMF aceptará solicitudes en inglés y español.

Con base en los psicólogos clínicos y psiquiatras seleccionados, la IWMF garantizará que la capacitación sea accesible según las habilidades lingüísticas de los participantes.

Para cualquier pregunta o necesidad relacionada con accesibilidad, por favor contacta a



About this program

Safety in Numbers is a collaborative programme driven by four feminist-led organisations: ACOS Alliance, IFEX, International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) and Media Defence. The initiative aims to improve the safety and protection of journalists and media workers worldwide, addressing physical, legal, psychosocial and digital threats. Leveraging the expertise and networks of these organisations, the programme seeks to develop a comprehensive safety net through a rights-based feminist approach, ensuring the inclusion of women and vulnerable groups. With connections to over 375 partners in more than 115 countries, the programme integrates diverse perspectives and resources to build a robust, sustainable ecosystem for the protection of journalists. 

About this opportunity

The IWMF will provide identity-informed newsroom training to newsrooms in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. These trainings provide a customized approach to topics faced by each newsroom in the areas of holistic safety policy creation and tailored training sessions.

We offer:

  • An initial call with a safety expert and an assessment to understand what safety trainings and/or policies you need and can realistically implement.
  • Customized and identity-informed training to newsrooms for staff and freelance journalists.
  • Policy templates that you can easily adapt for your newsroom.
  • Real-life example of policies and guides written by newsrooms we have worked with.

Who is this support for?

If you are a newsroom who is looking for safety support then please complete this brief intake form.  

Acerca de este programa

Safety in Numbers es un programa colaborativo impulsado por cuatro organizaciones feministas: ACOS Alliance, IFEX, la Fundación Internacional de las Mujeres en los Medios (o la IWMF, por sus siglas en inglés) y Media Defence. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo mejorar la seguridad y la protección de periodistas y trabajadores de los medios de comunicación en todo el mundo, abordando las amenazas físicas, legales, psicosociales y digitales. Aprovechando la experiencia y las redes de estas organizaciones, el programa busca desarrollar una red de seguridad integral a través de un enfoque feminista basado en los derechos, asegurando la inclusión de las mujeres y los grupos vulnerables. Con conexiones con más de 375 socios en más de 115 países, el programa integra diversas perspectivas y recursos para construir un ecosistema sólido y sostenible para la protección de los periodistas. 

 Acerca de esta oportunidad

La IWMF ofrecerá capacitación en seguridad con enfoque en identidad a las salas de redacción de África subsahariana, América Latina y el Caribe. Estas capacitaciones brindan un enfoque personalizado a los temas que enfrenta cada sala de redacción en las áreas de creación de políticas de seguridad integrales y sesiones de capacitación personalizadas.


  • Una llamada inicial con un experto en seguridad y una evaluación para comprender qué capacitaciones y/o políticas de seguridad necesita y puede implementar de manera realista.
  • Capacitación personalizada y basada en la identidad para redacciones para sus periodistas y periodistas independientes.
  • Plantillas de políticas que puede adaptar fácilmente a su sala de redacción.
  • Ejemplos de la vida real de políticas y guías escritas por redacciones con las que hemos trabajado.

¿Para quién es este apoyo?

Si usted es parte de una sala de redacción y busca apoyo de seguridad, complete este breve formulario de admisión.  

The Howard G. Buffett Foundation has given the IWMF a $750,000 grant to establish a three-year fund supporting U.S.-based reporting projects by Indigenous journalists on issues related to Missing & Murdered Indigenous People (MMMIP) with a concentration on women, girls, Two-Spirit and transgender people.

Starting in March 2022, applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis by an advisory committee comprised of distinguished Indigenous practicing journalists and editors, along with Indigenous thought leaders. The IWMF is conducting ongoing, targeted outreach to eligible journalists and Indigenous journalism groups to solicit proposals. Indigenous journalists affiliated with media outlets, as well as freelancers, are invited to apply.

In addition to monetary support, the IWMF is committed to providing editorial and pitching support to grantees.

Please read our FAQ page and Application Guide for the program. Eligible journalists can apply here.

If you are experiencing any accessibility issues with the application process, please contact

The IWMF and its Coalition Against Online Violence partners are offering journalists the opportunity to sign up for free one-on-one safety consultations. 

Concerned about a recent threat, online abuse, government surveillance or an upcoming reporting trip? Our experts provide journalists with clear and practical guidance, whether that's dealing with a digital or physical safety emergency or helping you build digital security into your story planning. We are here to help. You must have journalism as a primary profession to be eligible for a consultation. 

Please note: this is not an emergency help line. We are unable to provide rapid response support. 

To apply for a consultation, please complete this application. If you have any questions, please email

If you are experiencing any accessibility issues with the application process, please contact

Los Premios de Valentía en el Periodismo de la International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) honran cada año a mujeres periodistas que se distinguen por mostrar valentía, persistencia y resistencia extraordinaria. Haciendo todo lo necesario para descubrir la verdad, estas mujeres establecen un nuevo estándar para el periodismo bajo coacción o frente la censura.

Los Premios honran periodistas valientes – incluyendo fotoperiodistas – trabajando en cualquier país del mundo. Estas mujeres cubren temas tabú, se sumergen en situaciones hostiles y comparten verdades difíciles y necesarias. Además, las honradas demuestran un compromiso a la libertad de la prensa y muchas veces deben superar condiciones injustas para convertirse en líderes en su profesión.

Candidatas para los Premios de Valentía en el Periodismo pueden ser periodistas que trabajan para un medio de comunicación o periodistas freelance en cualquier país. Deben trabajar a tiempo completo en el periodismo.

Deadline: 30 de Marzo, 2025, at 11:59 pm ET

Las auto-nominaciones no son aceptadas.

Click here to nominate in English.
Cliquez ici pour envoyer une candidature en français.

Si tiene problemas de accesibilidad con el proceso de solicitud, comuníquese con

Les Prix du Courage dans le Journalisme honorent journalistes qui se démarquent par leur bravoure, persistance, et résilience extraordinaire. Ces femmes sont prêtes à faire n'importe quoi pour que la vérité sorte. Elles élèvent le niveau de reportage fait sous la contrainte ou sur la censure.   

Le programme des Prix de Courage honore trois journalistes courageuses, incluant les photojournalistes, qui travaillent dans n'importe quel pays du monde. Ces femmes rapportent sur les sujets difficiles, s'immergent dans des environnements hostiles et partagent des vérités difficiles. De plus, les journalistes honorés font preuve d'engagement en faveur de liberté de la presse et souvent surmontent des conditions injustes pour devenir dirigeants dans leur industrie. Candidates pour Les Prix du Courage dans le Journalisme doivent être employées à temps plein ou journalistes, écrivaines, rédactrices, photograveures ou productrices indépendantes travaillant dans n'importe quel pays du monde, quelle que soit leur nationalité.  

Date limite:  30 mars, 2025, at 23:59 H

Les auto-candidatures ne sont pas acceptées.

 Click here for the nomination form in English.
Haga clic aquí para enviar la nominación en español. 

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes d'accessibilité avec le processus de candidature, veuillez contacter

The IWMF’s annual Courage in Journalism Awards honor women and nonbinary journalists who set themselves apart by exhibiting extraordinary bravery, persistence and resilience. Doing whatever it takes to uncover the truth, they raise the bar for reporting under duress, or in the face of censorship.

The awards program honors brave journalists – including photojournalists – working in any country across the world. They report on taboo topics, immerse themselves in hostile environments and share difficult truths. In addition, the honorees demonstrate a commitment to press freedom and often overcome unjust conditions online and offline to become leaders in their industry.

Candidates for the Courage in Journalism Awards must be full-time staff or freelance women or nonbinary reporters, writers, editors, photographers or producers working in any country and of any nationality.

Deadline to nominate: March 30, 2025, at 11:59 pm ET.

Self-nominations are not accepted.
 Haga clic aquí para enviar la nominación en español.
 Cliquez ici pour envoyer une candidature en français.

If you are experiencing any accessibility/connectivity issues with the application process, please contact

The Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship gives academic and professional opportunities to women journalists committed to human rights and social justice reporting. During this fellowship, the selected journalist will have the chance to complete research and coursework at MIT’s Center for International Studies and to participate in internships with The Boston Globe and The New York Times.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The Neuffer Fellowship is open to women, nonbinary and gender non-conforming journalists whose work focuses on human rights and social justice issues.
  • All applicants for the Neuffer Fellowship must be working journalists with at least three years of full-time, professional journalism experience. Internships and journalism-related work completed as a university student do not count as professional experience. Applicants may be affiliated or freelance journalists.
  • Journalists from any country around the world are eligible to apply. However, applicants must speak, read, and write English fluently in order to fully participate in and benefit from the Fellowship.

Accepting Applications:

February 3, 2025 - April 20, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST

Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship Schedule:

June 2025: Elizabeth Neuffer Fellow will be selected
   February 2026: Fellowship begins in Boston with an internship at the Boston Globe and research/coursework at MIT’s Center for International Studies
   May 2026: Fellow moves to New York for internship at The Express Desk, The New York Times
   July 2026: Fellowship ends


Please review the Frequently Asked Questions page for the Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship before starting your application or contacting the IWMF.

  For any inquiries related to the Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship, or if you are experiencing accessibility/connectivity issues, please contact Divya at

This is an application for the United States Journalism Emergency Fund established by the International Women’s Media Foundation and supported by the Luce Foundation and the Ford Foundation. To qualify for this emergency fund, you must be a U.S.-based journalist of any gender targeted as a result of your reporting at events related to the highly charged political unrest and polarization in the U.S., including elections, civil movements and other challenging environments. You may request support for:

  • Immediate needs related to your professional work, such as destroyed or stolen equipment and protective gear;
  • Small grants for medical and psychological care for incidents directly related to threats and crises caused by one’s work as a journalist.

2025 Los Angeles Fires Emergency Response

The IWMF is offering one-time grants of up to $1,500 to journalists covering and/or affected by the January 2025 wildfires in the Los Angeles area. Grants are available to working journalists, staff or freelance, of any gender, to cover costs associated with:

  • Emergency housing assistance and basic living necessities
  • Immediate needs related to your professional work, such as destroyed equipment or protective gear (PPE)
  • Medical or psychological care (trauma support, therapy sessions, etc.) for incidents directly related to the wildfires

Please note that emergency grants are not available to student journalists

Applicants must provide proof of their financial need. Funding is available to both staff journalists and those working independently. To request assistance from the IWMF’s United States Journalism Emergency Fund, please complete this preliminary questionnaire. Requests that do not meet the criteria above will not be considered. 

For legal support if you have been arrested or face immediate threat of arrest, please contact the Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press at their free legal hotline (1-800-336-4243). The hotline is available 24/7. 

If you have any questions relating to the IWMF’s United States Journalism Emergency Fund, please email